Friday, July 20, 2012

Nails Nails Nails

One down side of living in Japan is that there isn't a beauty store like Sally's where you can go and find all your beauty needs in one a decent price too. I've been forced to have to buy 20somthing dollar O.P.I polish and other ridiculously priced nail art things. That is, until this month. I finally just decided to search for nail polish stores in Tokyo and got a couple results... Yea, I know, after four years I realized just cause I don't see them it doesn't mean they don't exist. 

I stopped by two stores and hauled a bunch of things in a rush (I went 5 minutes before closing in one of the stores)

Of course Max has to get into the picture...

 Oh, Max....

and this is what I did after I got all the things I bought...

I was really exited to see that the OPI was only 10 bucks or so at one of the stores (SCORE!!) and they had TONS of things I can't get in the places I usually shot at (i.e. Plaza). 

I hope you guys are having a great summer so far~

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