Monday, December 29, 2014

The Winterlicious Tag 2014


I've never done a tag on this blog, but since it's been ages since I've filmed a video (and I managed to forget my charger for my camera while here in the US for the holidays), I figured a blog post would suffice. Although I started my vacation with lots of snow and cold, gloomy rainy days, the past few weeks have been manageable, and I am not as envious of the temperate Tokyo winter I am missing out on. Anyway, let's get to these questions, and as always, I tag everyone!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My Road to Minimalism: A Capsule Wardrobe

Many people that know me will not believe me when I say I am trying to become a minimalist. I've been thinking about this for a while, starting with the book I read about French parenting, I started getting interested in the "French ways" so to speak. It took a while to get into the whole idea of a capsule wardrobe, but I was definitely intrigued by the simple, yet chic French style and attitude overall. Yes, it definitely would take a lot of discipline to do this, and I must admit I am failing very hard at it, but hey...Baby steps. Am I right?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

5 Tips for Beautiful, Healthy Curly Hair

Hair comes in all colors, shapes, and textures. Knowing how to care for it can make a difference between hating your hair and loving being...well, you. Rather than straightening your hair by drying it out and frying it with harsh chemicals, just put a little more thought in your daily hair routine and you'd be surprised at how little effort it can take to get healthy, beautiful locks. <3

1. Moisture, moisture, moisture. 
Shampoo strips away your natural oils that even your conditioner can't replace. Rather than shampooing everyday, switch to every other day or start co-washing. Harsh chemicals like sulphates and alcohol in your hair products are not good for your hair, so pick them wisely. Use oils like coconut oil (my personal favorite), serums, and creams to help keep your hair from being dry which leads to frizz. Spray your hair with water and organic aloe vera juice to reset curls on those second day curls.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Big Chop, part dos

After being stuck in a rut for a while, I finally decided to start decluttering my life. By that, I mean both figuratively and literally. For those that know me, I tend to hoard things because I fear of having those "just in case" moments where I'd randomly need things, but there comes a time when you realize that this false sense of security actually ends up causing more stress... This means getting rid of all the clutter, in my room, closet, personal relationships, and just life in general. Simple is more. Which brings me to my hair.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Co-Washing: Why Curly Girls Gotta Think Twice Before Using Shampoo


Being a curly girl can be tricky because conventional hair care that we are all familiar with doesn't
necessarily work for us. I don't like that "normal" haircare is geared towards straight hair, because there are so many hair textures and even curly haircare doesn't have just one method. We have different curl patters, different thicknesses, different degrees of porosity, and react differently to products. For example, my hair can be weighed down easily so even if my hair needs moisture, I have to be careful with oils and creams. Even though protein is good for hair, some people's hair don't react well to it and can cause buildup.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Daytime Makeup

Everyone has their own ideas of what the one product you shouldn't leave the house without is (of course many would say you don't NEED to have makeup, too). Some may not feel comfortable without having their eyebrows filled in, others may want some foundation or concealer, and I do think both have good points. Eyebrows frame your face, and having great looking skin makes you look younger and put together. For me, though, I rely on eyeliner to open up my eyes. After all, eyeliner is supposed to create the illusion of thicker lashes, and since I HATE mascara, liquid and pencil liners are my best friends!
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A New Blog about all things Japan!

My friend and I have decided to start a new blog about Japan. Although we are both busy and may not have time at the moment to get it up and running as fast as we'd like, we are doing our best to get new posts up! Check out our new blog here and learn a little more about about Japan, or just be a fly on our wall and follow us around our little adventures =]

My New Year's In Japan

This year, I didn't necessarily do anything special. I didn't travel anywhere for the holidays, but since I live in Japan I hoped to do some of the traditional things...but that didn't happen. I didn't go to the temple around midnight, I didn't eat toshikoshi soba (passing of year soba noodles) or osechi (special meals for the new year), and I didn't even count down to midnight (I was too busy blabbering that I missed the moment that it turned 12).

This year, I visited the temple on the 2nd of January, and traveled to visit my grandparents right after. My friend and I made a post on what it's like on our new blog on Japan here. Please check it out if you want a detailed account of things. I just thought I'd share some of the pictures that I took on here.

So we went to Asakusa's temple at 9 in the morning, while it was still some what uncrowded. It was cold, but still such a nice day!
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